We don't waste water!

Despre Firma Eco Design

About us

The primary scope of the company is environmental protection through sewage treatment and engineering. Our experts elaborate water management projects, but we also deal with environmental management, hydrotechnical  work  planning and execution, as well as complete consulting. We are also proficient at elaborating tecnical documentation in order to obtain  water management expertise and authorisation.

The company  concept is that of projecting, executing and promoting sewage treatment  technology on the Romanian market by keeping environmental protection as our main priority. We elaborate ecological technology for sewage treatment plants, and we are experts in processing and annihilating garbage and industrial refuse. We use local labour for work designing and for the execution, and we focus on ecological materials and reliable technology.

In order to apply sewage treatment technology our company collaborates with prestigious societies that provide us with reliable equipment and accessories.

What our company can offer you:

1). Water supply
- Design and consultancy services, work execution, bringing water abstraction into sevice, network logon, water catchment clearing and storing tanks, sewage treatment plants.

2). Collecting sewage
- Design and consultancy services, work execution, bringing sewage collection into sevice.
- Furnishing equipement and accessories for collecting and eliminating sewage and rain water.

3). Sewage treatment plants
- Design and consultancy services, work execution, bringing sewage treatment plants into services
- Furnishing equipement and accessories for mechanic and organic purification

4). Sludge treatment
- Design and consultancy services, work execution, bringing-into-sevice procedures.
- Furnishing equipement and accessories.

5). Waste treatment
- Design and consultancy services, work execution, bringing-into-sevice procedures.
- Furnishing equipement and accessories for:
       - stocking waste and industrial refuse
       - waste oil collecting pits 
       - hazardous waste tanks